People News

Mobility Technologies Director to Help Lead Standing Committee on Smart Infrastructure


Dan Corey

Dan Corey, vice president and director of mobility technologies, was recently tapped to serve a 2nd term as vice chair of Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s (ITS America) Smart Infrastructure Standing Committee.

Reflecting the nation’s collective move towards leveraging mobility technology for safer, greener and more equitable communities, this committee advocates for policies and programs that support the rapid deployment of automated, shared, electrified transportation and broadband technologies. Recent successes of the committee include leading the policymaking process to develop the association’s FAST Act reauthorization platform – Moving People, Data and Freight – and its COVID-19 response legislation. The group also works to innovate on policies that protect infrastructure and transportation systems against cyber threats; technologies to improve roadway efficiency, reduce accidents and facilitate the safe introduction of autonomous technologies into the transportation system; and the integration of electrification technology on our nation’s roadways, transit and freight systems.

“I have always had a passion for serving ITS America, as it provides both STV as an organization, and me personally, the opportunity to partner with federal and state transportation officials, and other consultancy firms on some of the most significant issues facing our industry today,” Corey said. “I’m honored to continue leading this standing committee with my friend and colleague Ted Bailey from Washington State DOT.”

Since joining STV last year, Corey has spearheaded several pursuits and projects within automated and electric vehicles, including helping to secure a contract with the Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County’s “Shuttle of the Future” project to implement an autonomous zero emission at the University of Houston and the cities Third Ward.